Ace Rooms

Ace Rooms Ltd
United Kingdom
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Ace Rooms

Ace Rooms Ltd
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About Ace Rooms Ltd
Ace Rooms Ltd is a leading travel technology company which offers a user friendly and fully interactive online hotel booking system (HBS), exclusively for the travel trade. With technology rapidly developing within the travel industry, our dedicated in-house IT development team has over 15 years of online application development experience to ensure that we can offer the best platform for travel agents and tour operators to book from. As well as hotels, agents are also able to book global (airport) transfers and excursions
Located in United Kingdom
Founded in 2006
Turnover Zbfsvn annually
Employees Awhsd
Solution details: Ace Rooms
Category: Operational Support Systems
Sub Category: Customer service tools
Solution description
The management team has over 20 years of experience trading online and software development. Having a huge passion for travel & having found a niche in the market, the company has been trading since September 2008. Our strength is our in-house IT Team who work hard to bring the latest API/XML applications. We have built our own platforms for agents, hotels and suppliers as we believe in keeping it simple
Features overview
Key features
Agents to Stay Connected
Prutogp Wfofj Svyri
Hlvydiug Fbkdgiu
Universal features
Connection types
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Dnyk Nwdvmg
Customer Service
Regions operating in
North America
Company phase
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