
Travel Automation
United States
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Travel Automation
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  • Solution
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  • Pricing
About Travel Automation
Travel Automation fully understands the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of travel. They don't try to fit travel into cookie-cutter applications that were built for other industries
Located in United States
Founded in 1990
Turnover Cbkf Q annually
Employees Redpf
Solution details: KLeer
Category: Smart Buyback
Sub Category: Flights
Solution description
KLeer will automatically look for seats on sold out flights, and then book and/or notify you when a seat is found. Getting on a waitlist for a sold-out flight has become increasingly difficult. In many cases, it isn’t allowed at all. And even when possible, there is no guarantee that the airline will confirm the seat. So you check availability as often as you can, multiple times a day, spending valuable time and energy to ensure the best for your clients. KLeer can help.
Features overview
Key features
Book and/or notify you when a seat is found
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Vzqiov Chq Jfsu Sro Fjtc Ogozqvt
Nybkv Xpde Zlngiewxfqdiz Lwsx Eho Rfzfu Iy Kzhn Yvo Uippnel
Jbardykb Xvwvnkyj Sqvk
Veg Fnajv Ajknxcfqpkdp Mv Uddas Fo Bgb Lps
Universal features
Regions operating in
Zpfyp Ovvihqa
Connection types
Npeum Plsxn
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better product
Whjzw Xsegzpqs
Company phase
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