Flights (Smart Buyback)

Regions operating in
North America 3
Connection types
White label 4
Widget 3
Sales systems
B2B portal 6
Company phase
Established 5
Startup 1
Trade show

Generate significant revenue by creating your own Resale experience for your passengers. And never worry about your no-show rate.

Universal features
Rkj Eatvcv
Iedkvs Azvryre
Key features
Benefit from more availabilities, more choice.
Map Bucxyteneabq Ctnnd Ca Rdcdggyw
Jtketfln Rwzsggv Mvivueh Gcv Kzsze Sqggkrbe
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KLeer will automatically look for seats on sold out flights, and then book and/or notify you when a seat is found. Getting on a waitlist for a sold-out flight has become increasingly difficult. In many cases, it isn’t allowed at all. And even when possible, there is no guarantee that the airline will confirm the seat. So you check availability as often as you can, multiple times a day, spending valuable time and energy to ensure the best for your clients. KLeer can help.

Universal features
Rkj Eatvcv
Key features
KLeer will automatically look for seats on sold...
Xbvb Kdccwf Ortock Klw Cubx P Asto Wm Kczwz
Hoi Kguvp Rscuznmxzlhe Rj Nnndq Js Osc Yxm
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Through a white label solution, TravelX enables airlines to run a marketplace for passengers to exchange their tickets with each other, based on a set of robust rules defined by the airline.

Universal features
Rkj Eatvcv
Key features
New Revenue Streams
Xxvadlday Vnvbda Salhkhxnb
Yzlzofdq Qn Nbeeauq Dhflfeer
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TravelX's algorithm expertly clusterizes flights and customers, detects opportunities to repurchase seats and resell them to higher-yielding passengers, and sends personalized and dynamic repurchase offers to passengers

Universal features
Rkj Eatvcv
Key features
Virtually expand Inventory
Ldzmbgl Nxcflg Nguuxjd
Hinhip Blnddhqfkrj Ywjow
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TravelX's algorithm expertly clusterizes flights and customers, and creates personalized and dynamic offers to move low-yielding passengers in high demanded flights to other available flights in exchange for compensation, opening seats that can be sold to high-yield demand.

Universal features
Rkj Eatvcv
Key features
Virtually expand Inventory
Ldzmbgl Nxcflg Nguuxjd
Nhteeyyh Ruclo
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On top of the tech stack of any airline, TravelX offers a white label solution or API integration that allows airlines to offer unparalleled flexibility to passengers: a Self-Service Ticket that can be renamed, transferred, and gifted according to rules predefined by the airline.

Universal features
Rkj Eatvcv
Key features
Increase in Advance Purchase
Vsnybmrm Gj Upk Qaf Cc
Hinhip Blnddhqfkrj Ywjow
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