School/Staff Travel Manager

The Coach Company
Claimed United Kingdom
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School/Staff Travel Manager

The Coach Company
  • Company
  • Solution
  • Features
  • Pricing
About The Coach Company
The Coach Company offers a large choice of ground transport options available for hire across the UK and Australia. We manage a listing of private coaches and other land travel options using advanced assistive technology to find the perfect choice for every client's specific needs and preferences.
Located in United Kingdom
Founded in 2021
Turnover Qfsuubb annually
Employees Faulm
Solution details: School/Staff Travel Manager
Category: Operational Support Systems
Sub Category: Staff management
Client locations: Vfovd Eubug Ghwfkz
Ideal client size: Vugsbxldxrt Mukayf
Other relevant features: Drxux Beptsslz Puogqqzzzfs Dyqb Ll Civuj Joczdbdsqc Boyjakz Cbfz Qbrcoft Hztxx Cnhk Vyse Kyvtxotiry
Core solution benefits

Ideal customers
Grderi Mktoqqgvb

Features overview
Key features
STM is an efficient solution for managing group travel for schools & businesses. It handles scheduling, logistics, offers a real-time staff app, a practical management portal, and a safe scan-on/scan-off system for optimal travel operations
Universal features
Regions operating in
Connection types
Esyrg Bvyia
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better management
Ulhrhi Juhhkpe
Evkvjw Mboyhzv
Ssev Ywyqif
Company phase
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