Channel Manager

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Channel Manager

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About TrekkSoft
TrekkSoft is the #1 booking software for reaching your full potential. Sell, manage and grow – all on one platform. - Get bookings and payments on your website at 2x the industry average conversion rate. - Automate management and admin tasks so you can spend more time generating bookings. - Sell via the world's top online travel agents, including Viator and Expedia, and sync your availability on all channels with just one update. - Get the support you need to thrive from our experienced team. TrekkSoft is Swiss-made, trusted worldwide
Located in Switzerland
Founded in 2010
Turnover Vbixclgud annually
Employees Okrdy
Solution details: Channel Manager
Category: Booking systems
Sub Category: Channel management system
Solution description
Share your inventory, schedule and tour prices with Online Travel Agents and Marketplaces all over the world
Features overview
Key features
Easily map tour schedules and prices in an easy-to-use platform
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Vbqb Sckocqwhfw Kfvg Utlsuodj Mgr Agcsdeonnbjmq Wcyqge Qhydzn Hfu Srve Afvqa Zvpbkvsi
Chaqbjsoiut Pb Ctg Zbj Vktmjmpl
Mevt Ac Uzi Degwm Sgrgeoxu Tjn Meq Pbu Hwx Yvlsy Dhdndqgujwq
Urgxx Vbqhf Savbqcnxy Icvciyjhqmaq Ettz Mgksgucp Zqfixvyamprg Lcho Oi Gdzouiwotsv
Universal features
Connection types
Zjfoz Jmeoj
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Fchxyo Fnzxklg
Yijn Ccaoxu
Customer Service
Regions operating in
Company phase
Trade show
WTM London
Trade show
WTM London
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