Travel Platform

United States
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Travel Platform

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About TravelClick
TravelClick is a global hospitality solutions provider that also offers media solutions, such as travel agent media, display marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Amadeus Hospitality TravelClick is owned by Amadeus IT Group SA. Amadeus is a company that builds solutions to improve the travel experience for airlines, airports, hotels, railways, search engines, travel agencies, and tour operations. Ask a follow up Who bought TravelClick? How many customers does TravelClick have? What is the revenue of TravelClick?
Located in United States
Founded in 1985
Turnover Wffruhid annually
Employees Kifna
Solution details: Travel Platform
Category: Content sources and systems
Sub Category: Accommodations
Solution description
We are evolving our travel platform to be more flexible. Based on fully open systems that harness the intelligent use of data a one-stop shop that brings together all relevant travel content - including air, accommodation, rail, mobility, insurance and destination - from any source (EDIFACT, NDC and other APIs) into a single travel platform
Features overview
Key features
Guest management solutions
Ztbygkyrekdu Urt Lohgd Yuaqnnxbzx
Otujbyu Oxoqvqwlmnot
Universal features
Connection types
Xarth Lztno
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Lzsgsz Qosvedw
Twsok Zmnkwiyv
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