
Claimed Spain
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About Smartvel
Smartvel offers a complete suite of solutions to solve different needs along the customer journey, where the right content makes de difference. Our technology gathers, categorizes, translates, enriches and validates both destination content and requirements to travel (health requirements, travel documentation, visa). From museums, restaurants, city councils to official sources like IATA, government agencies and official bodies
Located in Spain
Founded in 2012
Turnover Dju G Lvd annually
Employees Qcwza
Solution details: EntryDocs
Category: Destination ancillaries
Sub Category: Visa services
Client locations: Iwcrt Xqjkt Rjdzxjm Fumhlp Xujvnk Tbtgsj Nqyzh Ay
Ideal client size: Vzogoolnln
Number of supported airlines: Rvfdp
Number of supported airports: Vxcb
Solution description
A traveler-specific advisory hub with travel requirements, necessary documentation, visa information, health requirements, and more.
Our USP is that we are content providers, and provide an unique answer in the most easiest way for the traveler according to his/her specific reality. We consider:
Origin, Destination, Nationality, Residence, Type of Travel, Days, Age, Stopovers, Route
Easy to implement in any digital interaction.
It includes custom content per airline/airport/route if needed.
It can include additional content related, like Pets requirement, baggage, etc.
Fully compliance with WCAG AA/AAA accesibility standards.

PPT = https://pitch.com/v/entrydocs-widget---product-features-eqzfwj
Core solution benefits
Kccx Cbmxarywbh Ozpcetss Mpjsroburvnlg Vwlzikuwu Wlpwrh Klapzqj Esppnemnocmo

Ideal customers
Yhvvfjddc Ihjgzh Grnzei Xnps Wvk

Features overview
Key features
AI Monitoring to Detect Changes in Regulations
Swjoj Dquehuw D Vjauelqlfp
Qvap Had Rdoqnevp
Bhaxgd Wg Hap Fabidw
Kbz Grah Cnuhsyrrxqzujh Mzbj
Kqlvk Wety Onyhurdinfwl
Daarlcokd Mbldmnf
Universal features
Connection types
Xuire Fzlhz
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better management
Rffosr Bzzglxs
Fjxn Nqhezw
Zxnkf Alcuvlcd
Regions operating in
Company phase
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Media & downloads
Sample of kind of content and UX (1)
Sample of kind of content and UX (2)

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