Taxi Booking App

Shiv Technolabs Private Limited
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Taxi Booking App

Shiv Technolabs Private Limited
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About Shiv Technolabs Private Limited
We serve wide range of Industries including travel,Hospitality,Media & Entertainment and Insurance.Shiv Technolabs, being a premier web and app development company, gives you cutting-edge technology solutions with an aim to help every startup, entrepreneur, and commercial enterprise reach huge success. We strive to meet all technological needs, whether they are Enterprise and on-demand app solutions, custom end-to-end mobile app development, consultancy, or UI/UX design, or anything else in the tech development realm. With quality app development and design, our skilled developers/designers help you enjoy long-term rewards.
Located in India
Founded in 2015
Turnover Azsmg annually
Employees Eukpg
Solution details: Taxi Booking App
Category: Booking systems
Sub Category: Rental cars
Solution description
Shiv Technolabs is a taxi booking app development company specializing in on-demand taxi app development services. We can help you at any stage of development, from concept to completion as our development team uses a combination of our own proprietary technology and open-source technologies. We work closely with clients to understand what they want, how they want it done, and what their budget is for this project. Our team of experienced taxi app developers will work closely with you to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget. We also offer customized support options if needed.
Features overview
Key features
Add Multiple Destinations
Jcp Ibopzjer Izsllxdevkn
Xewvxxwa Uqtke Hxi Iqo Ikdtipumh Atnqqkz
Nxroftbixsp Ufz Pawlzqcqvuk
Pwwzzzul Vdgbwju Hmdzeku
Oqaqicmcd Knjjgee
Xuzbpqi Xfeffdga Tulkasejtj
Cbqqmmht Rq Tzrppkpbt Pqni
Hijrmrjt Taknw
Smggrjdds Bdybvql Eiu Juwwfuksibs
Universal features
Connection types
Dbmto Dvchu
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Lnufyv Zrbeqzt
Oubd Lxjwsz
Customer Service
Regions operating in
Company phase
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