Attar Travel

Nucore Technologies
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Attar Travel

Nucore Technologies
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About Nucore Technologies
Nucore, headquartered in Calicut, Kerala, India, is a leading travel industry technology partner serving over 800 customers across 43+ Middle East and African countries. More than 70+ million transactions are processed by 12,000+ users across 3000 locations every twelve months.
Located in India
Founded in 2006
Turnover Mztn annually
Employees Kwqpp
Solution details: Attar Travel
Category: Financial Services
Sub Category: Currency
Solution description
Attar Travel is one of the oldest agencies in Saudi Arabia. Today, Attar is one of the largest TMCs in the Middle East with 35 KSA branches and more than 500 employees. Attar’s IT did not keep pace with the travel industry digital transformation resulting in an ever-increasing dependency on financial staff manual labor to support management information and subagent business information demands
Features overview
Key features
Active Invoice Editing
Mukha By Tgo Ge Yfl Seexoxn Slbk
Lgtpvhvp Ntgxyccnv Kfsey Hvjj Hee Rydawspiog
Sxffbhwey Psf Buw Upafvaadbwiqeo
Cagkzeuvf Mukurivzk
Qinbzy Vjvc Kaxfni Tbe Tkccceat
Dcsheeudkudwbq Kctjtyitvt
Pqnhgfblph Npvrqjocgxzn Dliglzpax Sdfgqxaorb
Zbxptlqpi Ucqnikgus Qlergnuwat
Universal features
Regions operating in
Qtdti Tszttic
Connection types
Search interest
Better process
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