Crew Management Software

Leon Software
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Crew Management Software

Leon Software
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About Leon Software
At Leon Software we excel in delivering an advanced cloud-based solution for the aviation business, including scheduled and cargo operators, business aviation, trip support companies and brokers. From flight OPS and crew management to charter sales, Leon provides a versatile platform design in a digital ecosystem of an aviation organization. With years of continuous development, customization and workflow automation are an essential part of Leon Software’s philosophy
Located in Poland
Founded in 2007
Turnover Pvlqgk annually
Employees Hihzo
Solution details: Crew Management Software
Category: Booking systems
Sub Category: Trip planning
Solution description
Your one-stop for all things Crew. We have integrated a complete functionality for crew planning and control into an intuitive, reliable toolset that keeps everyone in the loop, while providing assistance with the management of duty roster, endorsements and FTLs
Features overview
Key features
A complete crew planning suite
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Nvmbh Tpvnadboqhysh Srjv Smyi Eemeuy Lzl
Universal features
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Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Pepqal Hhvrdeq
Xgol Kxptiu
Customer Service
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