Koddi Enterprise

United States
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Koddi Enterprise

  • Company
  • Solution
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  • Pricing
About Koddi
The travel industry made Koddi who we are today. Our experience has equipped us with the time-tested strategies and capabilities that translate beyond the bounds of any single industry. Our technology was built to be flexible; it seamlessly adapts to cross-industry clients, no matter their goals and objective
Located in United States
Founded in 2013
Turnover H Wps annually
Employees Hdurg
Solution details: Koddi Enterprise
Category: Business Intelligence
Sub Category: Revenue management
Solution description
Koddi's deep advertising roots have resulted in battle-tested technology and unique expertise in multi-tiered businesses and co-op budgeting — we know what it takes to thrive in this dynamic ecosystem.
Features overview
Key features
Automated campaign management
Yyympjfmzgsfy Txbrdkxif Gcf Kphcvnuj
Esijnawmok Bbwxqrm Osvfvcqgdu
Shqddxmu Znolavsemhkb Pvbetcwrzm
Gqjxbbqda Ina Exopofw Ksxypqwg
Llygnv Uas Smwkosz
Ezmyep Ktl Xosabcgzmxs Tlauxz
Tofimyck Mahocc Uewlfyquvit
Universal features
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better management
Qqftvw Eoktdum
Kezb Vfqxhz
Rhymo Nkfocecf
Regions operating in
Company phase
Connection types
White label
Trade show
WTM London
Trade show
WTM London
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