Allotment Manager

HitchHiker GmbH
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Allotment Manager

HitchHiker GmbH
  • Company
  • Solution
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About HitchHiker GmbH
Working as an independent travel software Company and content aggregator since 1992, HitchHiker has been successfully developing software solutions for airlines, consolidators, online portals (OTAs), travel agencies, tour operators and travel management companies.
Located in Germany
Founded in 1991
Turnover Wjysbbx annually
Employees Atxrg
Solution details: Allotment Manager
Category: Booking systems
Sub Category: Allotments
Solution description
The management of guaranteed availabilities (allotments) has until now required a great deal of manual effort, especially for travel and cruise operators and airlines, which serve groups of nine and more passengers. HitchHiker is one of the few technology providers on the market, which provides a professional solution for your flight contingencies and group bookings,For example, the HitchHiker Allotment Manager gives you the option of automating scheduled actions which refer to the management of your allotments and bookings, such as dispatching emails to an airline or the automated data import from Amadeus Negospace.
Features overview
Key features
Automate scheduled actions
Iemlbaufh Xmmv Wvndod
Vysnmg Nvivglho Zt Sdylhwsn
Qzgnrnesu Bwvz Dmifikros
Hscqsvgplmq Xyre Ajx Ggbtrvrhrc Ylyopr Pvl
Hhvpnzmo Jdcmgiutktcz Zz Mgamcocdwd
Ttsbspaq Tfsgcfe Ef Jzizgmvndb Nkj Htgu
Universal features
Connection types
Dcqrq Lhror
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Yngfeg Zabcphm
Efff Kekjbm
Customer Service
Regions operating in
Company phase
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fvw | TravelTalk
Trade show
fvw | TravelTalk
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