Data Management

Fusionex Group
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Data Management

Fusionex Group
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About Fusionex Group
Many within the travel industry continue to struggle to fully understand customers proactively. They often operate in reactive mode waiting for customers to approach them. Most marketing campaigns are broadcast mode designed to cast a wide net hoping to make a few catch. They don’t have clear view of customers or even cluster of customers
Located in Malaysia
Founded in 2012
Turnover Bvjzlb annually
Employees Bwpwg
Solution details: Data Management
Category: Business Intelligence
Sub Category: Destination data
Solution description
Leveraging the core engine, this module extends the core DMP to include travel and leisure business models, entity frameworks, data points, and other T&L specific requirements. Advanced technology components allow seamless integration across data sources including central reservation, property management, theme park, F&B, OTA, travel agent, and ticketing systems.
Features overview
Key features
Capture data in any form, shape, or size
Hwtydbvxb Gwofkgcism Xe Pxsudier Dicwayba Jczw
Zeione Gzzfviy Xloe Gveukngbvl Hmqglqesbkii
Universal features
Connection types
Fpnxv Qhqnb
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better management
Kskmsv Ucqyjsm
Gcrf Bxaxnh
Bkrsc Vyniandg
Regions operating in
Company phase
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