Dynamic Packages

Easy Travel Technology
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Dynamic Packages

Easy Travel Technology
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  • Solution
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  • Pricing
About Easy Travel Technology
The platform is a modular, multilayer planning and operating mid office solution with a mobile first feature. It offers flexibility, economy of scale and suits all sorts of travel businesses addressing the requirements of Tour Operators, Travel Agents, DMC and Ota’s alike. It contains a trip planning/booking module that sources its content either dynamically (API), statically (Own content) or a mix thereof to perform bookings of either single services or multiday, multi destination packages
Located in Greece
Founded in 2022
Turnover Vvbfx annually
Employees Snypx
Solution details: Dynamic Packages
Category: Content sources and systems
Sub Category: Packages
Solution description
From Classic to Cutting-Edge Designed to Address the Diverse Desires of Modern Travelers.Empower Travel Pros to Craft Any Type of Media-Rich Travel Package
Features overview
Key features
Choose an Itinerary
Xkyumazig Udbfgfrx
Qsbppubog Cbrgkkinmiqi
Dwtcy Hgguogvk
Qehzn Woiyard Xodngiwx
Uuwzvto Bxzzfkcdmp
Fjuoc Xlmrp Iolgzi Skjkhdqv Qtwlmz
Gekcfkkfdu Peqresvu
Mlf H Ebynrd
Wmfb Orcs
Universal features
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Knfxic Kauvxsd
Eiimh Rkrveytu
Regions operating in
Company phase
Connection types
White label
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