Dnata Travel

Dnata Travel Group
United Arab Emirates
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Dnata Travel

Dnata Travel Group
  • Company
  • Solution
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  • Pricing
About Dnata Travel Group
dnata is one of the world's fastest growing travel companiesAt dnata, our goal is to provide not only outstanding value for our customers, but also a satisfying and rewarding experience for our partners. We understand the importance of prompt transactions and an efficient booking process.
Located in United Arab Emirates
Founded in 1959
Turnover Xyghfqv annually
Employees Zwtnu
Solution details: Dnata Travel
Category: Financial Services
Sub Category: Expense management
Solution description
We understand that taking out a travel insurance policy might seem complicated, particularly at this time. Rest assured, here at dnata Travel, it's our aim to keep things easy and transparent for you. That's why with every travel insurance policy taken out with dnata Travel, it will automatically include enhanced COVID-19 coverage protecting you against medical expenses, and so much more. This additional benefit is automatic and applies to all insurance policies purchased through dnata Travel. No overly complicated forms, no additional payments – it's the same great insurance policy, just with more cover!
Features overview
Key features
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Better management
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