About Cyberlogic
Cyberlogic revolutionises the travel supply chain through innovative travel technology solutions Our mission is to continue sharing cutting-edge technology with travel industry leaders worldwideCyberlogic revolutionises the travel supply chain through innovative travel technology solutions Our mission is to continue sharing cutting-edge technology with travel industry leaders worldwide
Located in Greece
Founded in 2006
Turnover Mypembmo annually
Employees Zbktu
Solution details: DMCs & Tour Operators
Category: Destination ancillaries |
Sub Category: Tours & Activities |
Solution description
Our specialized software solution for Tour Operators is designed to automate and streamline the contracting process, the respective reservations management and supplier cost reconciliation. Tour Operators manage thousands of contracts from different destinations worldwide. Especially hotel contracting is very sophisticated with a vast number of rules, restrictions and calculations. Our solution helps Tour Operators to manage efficiently all the reservations produced from their respective contracts and then the cost invoices received from suppliers, minimizing discrepancies and the effort required.
Features overview
Complete Static Contracts management.
Ctogrnj Fn Jcg Myo Jupqc Tdngzjvf
Zzvymumd Kzvfta Gjnjelzxxmk Oax Bqvxpmdhc
Cztztgas Jbsr Kjylf Opoov
Fjjmwnpnu Ryrlwgohcp
Sales systems
B2B portal
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Better product
Kszzp Ezjpjrak
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Company phase
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Imo B Hzwdsfvyru
Trade show
fvw | TravelTalk
Connection types
White label
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