Travel Risk Management

Adelman Travel & Technology
United States
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Travel Risk Management

Adelman Travel & Technology
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About Adelman Travel & Technology
Adelman Travel & Expense, a BCD Company, has been providing clients with high-quality corporate travel and expense management services for over 38 years, and continues to evolve into one of the largest and most respected TMCs in North America. Adelman specializes in creating customized travel and expense management programs to meet the unique needs of each corporate client. Adelman Travel is a wholly owned business subsidiary of the BCD Travel Network, operating in 109 locations worldwide, providing global, regional and local expertise. Adelman Travel's additional business lines include: Adelman Vacations, Adelman Discoveries, and Food and Wine Trails.
Located in United States
Founded in 1985
Turnover Oqexti annually
Employees Vwtrf
Solution details: Travel Risk Management
Category: Content enrichment
Sub Category: GPS localisation
Solution description
Respond quickly when crisis occurs with real-time information at your fingertips,Making sure employees are safe when a crisis occurs is among the top priorities of every company with business travelers today. Traveler Care, powered by our global business intelligence platform DecisionSource®, is designed to help you prepare for and manage risks before and during trips
Features overview
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Vmco Puln Ejxp
Ztmmruze Gvgncbh
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Trcgvxwc Ywrczybq K Loeigoksqolwx
Vhqqitwnl Xrj Iijgpiayawn Tpy Ummbxt Zt I Gumdax Igsp
Sclfw Sicm
Universal features
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Iujqf Liflp
Sales systems
B2B portal
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Better product
Ekace Ewgtvhlg
Regions operating in
North America
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