5M Travel

5M Travel Group
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5M Travel

5M Travel Group
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About 5M Travel Group
5M travel Group: we are the new generation of travel artisans. We combine technology and know-how to design memorable experiences adapted to each traveler”
Located in Uruguay
Founded in 2018
Turnover Jxpaar annually
Employees Lkbdt
Solution details: 5M Travel
Category: Booking systems
Sub Category: Flights
Solution description
5M Travel Group is the most important Travel Holding Group in Uruguay, and has been maintaining its consistent leadership throughout the decades. Nowadays, it comprises eight Travel Agencies focused on retail and corporate clients: Jetmar, HiperViajes, Buemes, Guamatur, Tienda Viajes, TocTocViajes.com, Turisport and VoydeViaje.uy; a Wholesale Travel Agency: TopTour and a software company: Netviax Solutions. The organizations' operations in the market date back 65 years. In 2018, 5M Travel Group launched MercadoViajes.uy, the first metabooking of the region, which brings an innovative hybrid approach to the online sales Model. Using the latest technology, it currently offers access to seven different travel agencies' information, in order to enable price and value proposal comparison. At present, 5M Travel Group is still growing, recruiting human capital and working towards the implementation of new projects in the Travel industry, such as Uruguay365, a Tour and Activities program within Uruguay.
Features overview
Key features
Advanced Hotel Inventory Management
Universal features
Connection types
Btgum Upxpt
Sales systems
B2B portal
Search interest
Better process
Vfifib Gpbvmjr
Yanj Tsoeej
Customer Service
Company phase
Regions operating in
North America
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